Friday, April 30, 2010

Strasser: "There is nothing lost"

Bonn - It's exactly the situation that nobody wanted at the Telekom Baskets: 1:2 residue to Frankfurt on Tuesday evening away in our own warehouse Match Ball for the opponent, and a possible decisive fifth game.
Sure, we have about ourselves angry after 48:58-defeat in Frankfurt on Sunday. But, it's lost yet! "Baskets playmaker Johannes Strasser adopt before the duel No. 4 (Tuesday, 18.30 clock, live confidently at Radio Bonn / Rhein-Sieg).
The problem: The offense, offense. Frankfurt is in three games did not come just once more than 75 points. This shows that the defense is set correctly at the Bonners on the opponent.
But: "Especially in the fourth quarter on Sunday, that we have lost 2:16, Frankfurt has put us in attack, with ever-changing defenses against problems. Since we have to, especially against the zone defense, come up with something, "said Strasser.
To such a plan focused on the baskets on last Monday evening. First, there's an intense video analysis, then training in the hall. The creative minds at the smoke Baskets to find the right tactic for hopefully two outstanding games.
Coach Mike Cook: "What is more, the players eat properly in the time before the game, drink sensibly and sleep properly. Especially with the temperatures, it is important that the correct fluid balance before the game. Otherwise it is too late and you get problems. "
Succeeded on Tuesday in the Hardtberghalle a victory, Frankfurt also has a situation that nobody really likes it: a showdown in the fifth game.