Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Dexter" revolt against Brutalo TV

Munich - Skull fly through the air, scalpels to cut across the face, bloodless body parts are broken down on the ground. Hammerharte scenes - to see the German TV.
On Monday evening, showed RTL 2, the first episode of the new series "Dexter". Title: "Death comes in small pieces. It is about the double life of the investigator Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall).
By day he is active as a forensic expert for the Miami police, the night he himself becomes a serial killer. Dexter Morgan kills brutally murderer who did not get the authorities to grasp.
He stabs his victims in the neck, they cut up alive. Bloodthirsty vigilantism.
Do I have to show something? "To our knowledge, others have not dared to Channel series. We trust us because we are convinced of the quality of 'Dexter', "said RTL-2 program director Axel Kuhn, who calls the series" sharp built "and points out that they were) (from youth protection also only at 22.55 Clock radiate.
RTL 2 has terminated the evening of the broadcast as "immoral Monday. But the posters for the series provide outrage. Then the main character, with blood splashes on the forehead and cheek is visible.
Stands above his head: "Do not worry. The only want to kill. "
For Jürgen Wenzlaf (50) from Rösrath an "absolute taste". "Especially with the increasing juvenile crime that is totally irresponsible. The poster is belittling and glorifying violence, "grumbles the craftsman, who has now presented to press charges.
The protest against the posters is great. Volker Nickel, spokesman of the German Advertising Council: "There have been numerous complaints about the nationwide campaign, we have asked the sender to respond within the next few days to reply."
What do you think of the poster - what do you think of the show? Just in discussions ...