Sunday, April 18, 2010

Schlecker robber finally nabbed

Dusseldorf - The police in Dusseldorf has elucidated a series of robberies at branches of the drugstore chain Schlecker. According to a witness notice a 35-year-old man was arrested, is said to have assaulted and robbed February to July 2009 eleven o'clock Schlecker branches in Dusseldorf.
   According to police the opportunity of a taxi driver was armed with his deeds with either a knife or a gun. The Filialenhatte enter it each unmasked.
After his last attack in late July, police can create with the help of witnesses, a phantom image, after publication of a notice it tothe 35-year-old man admitted. Because: The 35-year-old had boasted about his crimes, the witnesses remembered his "robber pistol.
Meanwhile, the man has given much of the action. He wanted the money to fund his cocaine addiction.