Thursday, May 6, 2010

Only probation for kindergarten

Cologne - You took advantage of her job as a kindergarten teacher, a 15-year-olds as inciting to murder>. But Giuseppina A. (27) arrived on Friday off with a black eye. The judge imposed a suspended sentence.
Nine months was the sentence for the half-Italian, they also have to make a social therapy. This requirement took the accused to be happy: "The I would agree to handle this, so something does not happen again," said Giuseppina A. in court.
However, the offenders who works in a kindergarten Ehrenfeld wants to practice their profession and continue to make a continuing educator. The court saw this, "no objections". A judicial review by a psychiatrist but there had been at any time.
In order not to reduce the defendant's job opportunities, was the requirement for treatment is not explicitly stated in the written verdict. Any new employers therefore have no opportunity to learn about this treatment measure.
Giuseppina A. had instigated the 15-year-old Benjamin, committing a murder. They wanted to kill the mother (49) of her ex-friend. Giuseppina lied to Benjamin, the "mother was" was to blame for her miscarriage. Yet she was not pregnant.
Sever the murder plan, the brake lines from the car the woman who led Benjamin but not enough. Giuseppina Benjamin had met in kindergarten, because she took care of his little brothers. A relationship of trust developed that exploited the children's nurse.
Only the fact that she was going on in their deed "naive" and "amateurish", as the Court put it, saved them from a lengthy prison sentence.