Saturday, March 6, 2010

Prosecutor: Nine broken ribs

Bonn - Ouch! But that really hurt. Actually had Attorney General and CDU town councilor wants Breuer in his treatment in Murnau recovered well really, "I was fit as a fiddle am raufgekraxelt the mountains was on a mountain bike on the road."
But now, Breuer is in Beueler St. Joseph Hospital: Nine (!) Ribs and sternum are broken. He was transported by ambulance last weekend, the well 500 kilometers from the south to Bonn. "I know every bump on the track," groans the stately Beueler.
Shortly before the end of the treatment, it happened. "I was traveling by bicycle, in Murnau wanted a Kandinsky exhibition. For once I did not have the long loop lock in my backpack, but on the racks. "Then the crash:" I was with my right hand the lock, which dissolved, hold, have held back with his left hand. "
The drum brakes on the front wheel immediately grabbed the bike braked heavily - and Will Breuer crashed full on the buffalo handlebar. And then we went off into the Trauma Clinic.
In Beuel and the Malteser Hospital now stand at more studies: "In the worst case, the ribs must be broken once and then screwed" says Breuer.
But despite all the pain of the father is opened again to joke: "When dancing from the moment it looks very bad. The Hebefiguren I just do not get out ... "EXPRESS wish a speedy recovery!