Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cologne needs a manager!

Cologne - Cologne next OB-candidate "- something like this probably would mean the show would be the CDU a TV station and would have to be a capable man take care of their number.
However, the rates would flop - because the casting principle would be reversed. SELECTION instead of a multitude of talented candidates to the municipal governing superstar, was arrested by the jury of the candidates secures the slowest in the head.
Old ReflexeTraurig, but true: The Cologne CDU has indeed entertainment value, but unfortunately no format. Just hours after the announced withdrawal of incumbent Fritz Schramma, the party responded with well-known old reflexes.
Were discussed, more or less well-known names from the local spectrum, transported in background conversations, favored candidates. But who was traded, hastened to call off quickly - so what could it get stuck on one.
The root of the problem is still: The CDU is looking for someone who could make it somehow, which is halfway presentable. Main thing is that the vacuum will be filled - even if only with hot air. As if it is on qualification for the office was irrelevant.
Right to the BestenDie Cologne, but have the right to the best possible candidate of the Christian camp get. However, the Union would need to look beyond the already shallow horizons of the Rhine metropolis of fun. Motto: Design held Kölscher solution Pripro program instead.
Where is the question of why this does not happen: it must be in the interests of the federal CDU have to give up the fight for the fourth-largest city in Germany, not in advance. And Juergen Ruettgers, it would be vital, the largest city in North Rhine-Westphalia have back. So why the Rumgewurschtel?
View gesuchtSollte go on like this, you must keep the SPD candidate Juergen Roters, which has so far not yet programmatically noticed only the feet still. That would be the worst-case scenario. For Cologne needs the competition from two leading figures, who see themselves as future managers of the city - with concepts, with vision, with solutions, with a team of professionals. And back with the conviction, the confidence of citizens.