Friday, June 11, 2010

12-year-old shouted: "I was raped!"

Dusseldorf - Dramatic scenes on the street in Lessing Oberbilk:
Resolved and strongly of alcohol, only socks on his feet, is the twelve year old Pia (name changed) in the morning at 10 clock in the butchery of Uwe K. begs, in tears: "Please help me! I've been raped! "
A man had given her in an apartment on the street in front of the volcanic violence of vodka. Uwe K. picks up the phone and called the police.
The officials change with several patrol cars, the area between the street and brothel in the industry of Lessing Street. Police stormed the apartment at 11 clock at the volcano road, pick out two men, 21 and 26 years old. Against the elders the next day arrest warrant is issued.
The police are careful, will just wait for further investigations. The 12-year-old butcher Uwe K. described the other hand, clearly, what should have happened. K.: "She spoke very clearly of a rape! For me it was relevant that I had a child here in front of me, which asked for help. "
Attorney Astrid Röttgen: "The arrest warrant was issued because of sexual abuse of a victim incapable of resistance."
Pia had called from the butcher shop her mother, whose partner later went off loudly on the suspects when the police handcuffed the two men in a police car drove to police headquarters. The officials held back, however, the stepfather.
The younger of the two men arrested after questioning was released. What exactly in the apartment on the volcano street happened to be clarified. It is also not clear how the girl who looks older than it is, came to this district.