Thursday, June 17, 2010

RheinEnergie continue on the shark-filled breast

Cologne - Cologne Sharks can in future count on the support of an important main sponsor. RheinEnergie AG has extended its contract with both the Professional Division and with the young field of sharks eV.
As a partner of the professional teams in the regional energy and water utilities will continue to be present with their logo on the chest of Sharks players.
"The Cologne Sharks hockey club in the tradition and belong to such as the Rhine and Cologne Zoo," said CEO Dr. Dieter RheinEnergie Steinkamp.
Even Sharks CEO Thomas gauge welcomed the contract extension: "The RheinEnergie has supported us in difficult times ever. Her involvement in the offspring, which extended the RheinEnergie with the new contract even can not be overstated. Without this contribution would our young talent is not possible in this form. "

Friday, June 11, 2010

12-year-old shouted: "I was raped!"

Dusseldorf - Dramatic scenes on the street in Lessing Oberbilk:
Resolved and strongly of alcohol, only socks on his feet, is the twelve year old Pia (name changed) in the morning at 10 clock in the butchery of Uwe K. begs, in tears: "Please help me! I've been raped! "
A man had given her in an apartment on the street in front of the volcanic violence of vodka. Uwe K. picks up the phone and called the police.
The officials change with several patrol cars, the area between the street and brothel in the industry of Lessing Street. Police stormed the apartment at 11 clock at the volcano road, pick out two men, 21 and 26 years old. Against the elders the next day arrest warrant is issued.
The police are careful, will just wait for further investigations. The 12-year-old butcher Uwe K. described the other hand, clearly, what should have happened. K.: "She spoke very clearly of a rape! For me it was relevant that I had a child here in front of me, which asked for help. "
Attorney Astrid Röttgen: "The arrest warrant was issued because of sexual abuse of a victim incapable of resistance."
Pia had called from the butcher shop her mother, whose partner later went off loudly on the suspects when the police handcuffed the two men in a police car drove to police headquarters. The officials held back, however, the stepfather.
The younger of the two men arrested after questioning was released. What exactly in the apartment on the volcano street happened to be clarified. It is also not clear how the girl who looks older than it is, came to this district.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hedgehog on fire! € 500 fine

Cologne -
How common: A Cologne (25) On the road with a hedgehog in Meschenich football player, then tried to put the little animal on fire. Since the introduction of the new Animal Welfare Act, a case for the Cologne District Court.
After all, who torments a vertebrate, will face up to one year imprisonment.
Peter K. (25, real name) is a plumber and holds Mechelen-Shepherd. The incident happened in late September last year. Peter wanted to fix in an open area near the "Cologne Berg's his car, his unleashed dog had then. Not even discovered the 1000-gram hedgehogs and nudged the nose of the animal.
The little hedgehog did what has given him the nature of the defense: He curled up into a prickly ball. The dog was starting to feel on the nose, as are such sharp spines. And howled aloud.
What happened next was the prosecutor in the District Court as follows: "For this not to happen again, he leinte the dog to not, but the hedgehog was repeated with such force that he flew away several times to several meters." On top is Peter K. have paper or cardboard on fire and sent to the hedgehog.
This was a 48-year-old teacher, who was in her apartment in Meschenisch the window. "Get out the fire immediately," she called the 25-year-olds to unmistakably loud. In the witness stand she told the court: "When he realized that there were witnesses, he stopped immediately." She called the police. The ashes placed marks on the hedgehog down. Otherwise, the animal no injuries, officials had put it in a bush.
Peter wanted to know about animal cruelty in court yesterday, nothing. "I have the hedgehog just something pushed aside," he says. And: "Then I burned in my garage statements, the pieces bore the wind to the hedgehog."
"I'll take them off do not," said the judge, not least because of the credible testimony of the neighbor. She threatened with a hefty penalty. After consulting with his lawyer Peter finally declared: "The incident I'm sorry." This quasi-confession saved him from a conviction. The judge instead imposed a monetary edition of 500 € at the shelter ruler to pay.