Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spring cleaning for your PC

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Food scraps, fingerprints, Dust Bunnies: Over time, each computer dirty.
This is not only unsightly and unhygienic, but can also affect the life of equipment. Cleanliness is therefore the key - and the right choice of tools is already half the battle.
Hardly soiled surfaces should only be wiped with a dry microfiber cloth. For larger cleaning appliances home remedies are only conditionally eligible.
"Detergent and kitchen roll are inappropriate," warns Dirk Plähn by the company IT-clean system. The cleaning power of Spüli and Co. is suitable for dirty dishes, but not for keyboards.
 Remove TastaturUm sweat and grease from the keys, we recommend Plähn special plastic cleaner. This would then enable many "Miracle" dimension. With the same polish as the keys can also be any other computer interfaces (also clean the mouse) - except that of the screen.
To remove the cracks of the keyboard-seated dirt particles, helping a plain soft brush or a hair dryer.
The hair dryer but it should only blow cold, so that they are not deformed in the worst case of the plastic. Keyboards not in the dishwasher, even if the rumor holds still.
BildschirmFür should display extra detergent to be used adapted advises Plaehn. Humidity spectacles were alternatively. Previously recommended that a mechanical cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.
Compute InnenbereichDas groove should be cleaned at least once a year. The vacuum cleaner comes with an internal cleaning of the computer used. This allows fans to free rotors, and the various computer parts such as motherboard and expansion cards of dust. Unscrew the housing of a PC is usually not a problem.
Laptops, however, should be opened only by experts. Due to the compact design of laptops compared to desktop computers is a risk of dust entering, already rather small.
Also of interest
Cleanup Now